New EDC stuff

Taz575 is back! Located in Connecticut, Tim Johnson (TAZ575) is once again offering rehandles, regrinds and full custom knife services. I make kitchen cutlery, fillet and hunting/butchering knives and EDC fixed blades as well as my own unique fabric and carbon fiber based handle materials.

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New EDC stuff

Post by taz575 »

Worked on these 2 in Magnacut. It's my own HT and cryo on these as well!

Blue denim micarta, mosaic pins and stainless lanyard tube:
Clip point with burlap handles, orange pins and liners:
Nitro V on the left with orange Ameragrip, Magnacut in the middle with canvas micarta and green pins/liners and 144 layer 125CR1 on the right with orange ameragrip and Kevlar guard!
Shipped this little one yesterday, 3" Magnacut blade, OD Green/Burlap handles with yellow pins, liners and lanyard tube and bright yellow sheath!
I got an order for 6 rough ground Shechita blanks in Magnacut, so I had to get my surface grinder up and running to get those cleaned up post HT. I got the actual AmeriBrade tilting attachment for the belt sander; my home made version had a lot of bounce to it, which made it hard to use properly. Now that's done, I need to clean the shop, get my mister wet grinding system set up so I can grind nice and thin and not worry about heat on the edge! Then I hope to get into some kitchen knives! Ordered more 3/32" Magnacut and I have a few hardened blanks here still! The wet grinding setup should make a HUGE different in grinding speed/efficiency, especially using the radius platens, which generate a lot of heat. With my new oven, I am hoping to play with some hamons on W2 (not White #2) steel! I've had the steel for a while, but my old kiln was on the small side for larger kitchen knives. New oven has PLENTY of room!
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Re: New EDC stuff

Post by Kekoa »

This looks like some pretty polished work. I feel like your knives are getting more dialed in over time.
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Re: New EDC stuff

Post by taz575 »

Thanks! 2024 was a slow year for orders, so I have been focusing on getting my work cleaner. I started doing a lengthwise finish on flat areas, and then the satin finish on the actual grinds for EDC stuff and it gives a nice contrast! I've been playing with the EDM stones and getting better with hand finishing blades and picked up some tools that may allow me to texture the blade surface more like a forged finish (without forging) and that will make hand sanding blades a little easier on the hands! Really looking forward to getting the compressor set up since the 2 new tools are all pneumatic!
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